
When I first saw these I though they were truffles. They look like truffles, but if that is what you are expecting I don't want to say you will be disappointed because they are delicious, but you will certainly be surprised. Though not authentic, some day I want to try them with a sweetened rice for a dessert chukuchuk.

1 c. calarose rice
pinch salt
freshly grated coconut meat

Combine the rice, a cup and a half of water, and pinch of salt in a saue pan. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer. Cover the pot and keep simmering until the rice is tender and sticky and the liquid is evaporated. 

Remove the lid and remove from the heat. Allow to cool until the rice is cool enough to handle. Roll in to one inch balls and then roll in the coconut. 

Enjoy warm or cold.


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