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Maroulosalata - Greek Herb Salad

      I do love a chopped salad. Especially one with lots of fresh herbs, which this one has. I love how quick it is, with easy to source ingredients but WOW, does it pack a punch. Instead of letting the herbs just be an accent, they are the main part and it is delicious. It's great as a light lunch or in addition to a roast chicken for dinner.  Maroulasalata recipe 1 head romaine, sliced thin 3 green onions, sliced 2 springs mint, sliced 2 fronds dill, chopped 1 lemon 1/4 tsp. dried oregano 1/4 c. olive oil salt to taste 1/4 c. crumbled chevre or feta Whisk together the olive oil, juice of the lemon, oregano, and salt.  Add the romaine, green onions, mint, and dill to the bowl on top of the dressing and toss to coat.  Top with the cheese and enjoy!

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