Israeli ReBar ReFresh Smoothie

     ReBar was one of my favorite fast food type places in Israel. Sure the falafel will always be #1, but ReBar was really close to that. It was a smoothie chain which really good flavor combinations, the best, tangiest frozen goat yogurt, and lots of mint. This is similar to a limonana but with the addition of some melon. I went to their website and looked and this one was "apple juice, lemon sorbet, melon, and mint". So I went to the store to see what I could come up with and couldn't find any lemon sorbet so I tried some frozen lemon Italian ice and it didn't add the flavor I was looking for. So I used the same flavors and switched around where the frosty texture came from, having it come from the frozen melon, and was really happy with the result. 

4 c. apple juice
2 lemons, quartered, do NOT peel
4 oz. fresh mint leaves
1 1/2 honeydew melons

Peel and chop one of the honeydew melons. Freeze the melon flat on a tray until solid. Transfer to a bag and keep in the freezer until ready to use. 

Place the apple juice, mint, and lemons in a high powered blender and blend until smooth. Peel and chop the remaining honeydew melon. Place half the melon in the blender and blend again. Add the frozen honeydew to the blender and blend, adding non-frozen melon to the lender as needed, until the blender is full and the mixture is smooth. 

Serve immediately. 


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