Creamed Chipped Beef


   Creamed chipped beef. I'm finding that fewer and fewer people are familiar with this recipe as time goes by, it seems to have fallen out of favor. It is sometimes even given some not-so-flattering nicknames. 

     It was originally thought to have been a depression-era recipe but that credit is misplaced; though the frugal nature of the dish is at the heart of it's creation. The earliest recorded version of this recipe is from army records. It was used as a cheap, but filling, meal. It is a heavy sauce served over carbs. Usually, that carb is toast, but I happen to like it on baked potatoes. 

     Though ground beef can be used in the recipe, the dried, chipped, beef gives it more flavor. It's not entirely different from south sausage gravy, with a different meat in the sauce. 

Creamed Chipped Beef Recipe
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. flour
2 c. milk
Heavy dash black pepper
1 (2.25 oz.) bottles sliced dried beef

Baked potato or toast to serve

Heat the butter in a skillet. Add the flour and cook, stirring, for a minute or two. Slowly add the milk, whisking as you go, to keep it from getting lumpy. 

Or add it all at once, whisk and let it bubble, and then add it to a blender to smooth it out and add it back to the pan. 

Simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Chop the dried beef and add that to the thickened mixture along with the black pepper. Simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes 


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